Thursday, March 15, 2012

First Post- Moroccan Style Lamb with Chickpeas

Last night we had the inaugural dinner for our food blog, a Moroccan style Lamb dish served over couscous from It was a great chance to try out Philippe's new DSLR camera and gave us the idea to start blogging about all our culinary conquests! We hope to post at least once or twice a week with some of our concoctions, so if you'd like to get an email when we post something new, enter your email right below the title of our blog. It should be a nice way to stay in touch with all of you and share great recipe ideas... Enjoy!

Julia and Ginger recently moved in with their boyfriend due to some bug issues in their upper east side apartment. Although a new adjustment, we've definitely enjoyed spending the extra time cooking dinner together. In the meantime, Julia is searching for a new apartment and about to switch to the Fan Strategy Marketing department at the NFL.

Shout out to Claire (my sister, who lives in Morocco) because this recipe is Moroccan and the knife she gave me proved useful in chopping the veggies. Also, thanks to momma Putzeys for the exquisite cast iron pan. Love that thing.

Waiting Patiently (for nothing...)

Here is a link to the recipe if you would like to try it out...has a pretty solid rating from these two experts!

Chef Julia Steele's Rating: A. "It was delicious! Yummy sweet/spicy flavor and makes for great leftovers too!"

Chef Philippe Michel's Rating: B+. "Pretty good. A little gamey. Whoever cut the vegetables did a phenomenal job" ---It just tastes like LAMB- Julia


  1. Hello Philippe, hello Julia,
    Il will try this Marrocan recipe. I "looks" nice.
    Do you know the son of Hélène, (the cousine of your Dad), he has a site from some of his
    He projects to open a restaurant in the Nord of Brazil, near Fortalezza. Just have a look on Jericoacoara. Kisses Nanne

  2. Thanks for the shout-out! MC and I are happy to guestblog with more Moroccan dishes at any time, though our camera is not nearly as snazzy. :)
