Thursday, January 29, 2015

Winter Minestrone with Garlic Brushcetta & Ginger Cookies

On a recent Sunday we were feeling particularly bold (and free of other obligations), so we took the opportunity to spend most of the afternoon cooking a double batch of winter minestrone soup and baking some ginger cookies.

We'd received a KitchenAid mixer for Christmas and wanted to put it to the test. Unbeknownst to us, ginger cookie dough with all the molasses is about as thick a dough you can make short of bread dough, so we were glad that our mixer wasn't the low-power model (thanks Jacqui and Paul!). 

Evidently, any mixer we got had to be red according to Julia. Makes for good pictures.
The recipe called for chopped crystallized ginger. We would probably reduce the amount used next time as it's a bit strong.
Sugar-coated goodness before baking

On to the minestrone soup, which proved to be a formidable task for the Sr. Vegetable Chopper, Philippe. 

As an unnamed mother would say, "That's some healthy s#*t" 
The double batch kept us well fed at the end of many long days of working for Walt and Roger.
The garlic bruschetta pairs well with the hearty soup on the coldest of winter nights here in LA. We highly recommend adding some basil-infused olive oil before serving.

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