Saturday, January 12, 2013

Potato Frittata with Prosciutto and Gruyère

Though we live on opposite sides of the country, we always find ourselves spending time in the kitchen making tasty new dishes during our weekend visits. At the beginning of December Julia took a Friday night red-eye to New York. Later on Saturday morning after catching up on some lost sleep, we got to work making ourselves a new breakfast dish. Master Grocery Shopper Philippe Michel had diligently bought all the ingredients the night before, so it was just a matter doing the prep work. 

Note how skillfully the potatoes and scallions were cut by an unnamed chef.

We have yet to discover an easy way of turning thin slices of prosciutto into  small pieces. 
Browning the potatoes with some scallions
The requisite cheese

The final product. Dutch oven kindly supplied by Suzy Q Putzeys (Xmas '11)

Here's the recipe. We halved it and had enough for 4 servings. It made great leftovers the next morning.

Potato Frittata with Prosciutto and Gruyere Recipe | Food & Wine

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