Thursday, October 4, 2012

Veal Saltimbocca

Hi Everyone,

After a long hiatus, the blog posts are finally coming back. Since we last wrote, things have changed quite a bit. Julia moved to Los Angeles a few weeks ago to start her new position at the NFL, working specifically for the NFL Network and It's definitely been an adjustment after living in the same city together for 4 years, but Philippe recently took the long flight out to visit.

During the weekend, we went on a long run/ bike together on Saturday (12 miles for Philippe then a bike ride and 17.5 for Julia to train for the marathon) and lounged on the beach all day on Sunday since the weather couldn't have been more perfect.

On Saturday night we decided to cook veal saltimbocca since we saw a delicious looking version of it during our trip to Rome this past August. The veal was topped with fresh lemon slices, a sage leaf, and a slice of prosciutto. After cooking the veal, we deglazed the pan and made a quick cream-based tomato sauce. The veal was paired with sauteed green beans and oven roasted potatoes.

It was a nice change cooking in Julia's big new kitchen and we were happy for the chance to finally have a full sized oven and stove to work with and a dishwasher to help with the cleanup! 

This was delicious and the lemon-veal combination is similar to a dish that Philippe's mom cooks.

Stay tuned as we finish up other posts from the last few months.

Recipe Link: Veal and Lemon Saltimbocca Recipe

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