Saturday, April 28, 2012

Salmon with avocado salsa and double broccoli quinoa

Now that the weather is starting to warm up, we have been looking forward to making our "salsa" recipes, which come in many varieties of chicken, steak, and fish, and usually include some kind of fruit. Tonight's salsa creation featured avocados, lime, cilantro, and red onions atop a fillet of salmon.

We got a little crazy with the side dish, trying quinoa for the first time in a "double broccoli quinioa recipe" found on The double broccoli comes from making a broccoli pesto that mixes in with steamed broccoli, toasted almonds and quinoa. This turned out well but was definitely more work than we usually put in to our side dishes. Even had to pull out the mini food processor compliments of KTG!

Salmon with avocado salsa recipe
Double broccoli quinoa recipe

mmm summer salsas
Dinner is served!

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