Sunday, April 1, 2012

Chicken Stuffed with Spinach, Feta, and Pine Nuts & Bacon Onion Brussel Sprouts

Tonight we made stuffed chicken and bacon brussel sprouts. Both dishes were a little bit involved, especially for our half-a-kitchen, and took a bit longer than most dinners we make during the week. In the end, it was a tasty meal (the brussel sprouts were the better part: can't go wrong with anything that involves bacon).

On another note, Ginger also got her hair cut today and she is looking quite fabulous:

Chicken Stuffed with Spinach, Feta, and Pine Nuts Recipe |

mmmm bacon...
stuffed chicken, ready to cook!

Ready to eat nom nom

Chef Philippe Michel: Pretty good, though it involved quite a bit of work.
Chef Julia: Good, but more work than it's worth. Would do the brussel sprouts again!

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