Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Toasted Sesame Ginger Salmon

The star of tonight's dish was Toasted Sesame Ginger Salmon which we made with green beans and rice. We found the salmon recipe on Pinterest, which had been posted there from another blog called "How Sweet It Is" (link at the bottom!)

Props to Julia for finding this amazing recipe and to Philippe for pairing it with some delicious and nutritious sides. We just kind of threw together a few things for the beans...some toasted almonds and golden raisins with garlic. Pretty tasty if we do say so ourselves. The rice was pretty straightforward...we used up all our creativity points on the bean creation.Thank you Uncle Ben for the rice pilaf that tastes great straight out of the box.

We grilled the salmon on Philippe's Weber, which always does a great job of giving the fish a nice crispy texture. We first put the fish face down on the grill. When we flip it, we put some aluminium foil underneath the skin to help with clean up.

Salmon on the grill
 Cooked the green beans on the stove with olive oil, salt, and pepper. Once they were just about done, added some minced garlic then mixed in the toasted almonds and golden raisins.
Hungry chef in the kitchen
 Once the salmon has been marinated and grilled, you add a glaze on top with extra sesame seeds and scallions...YUM!!
Delicious meal on our plates

Link to the recipe

Chef Julia Steele's Rating: Loved it! Had a unique flavor compared to some other similar Asian-inspired salmon recipes we have made in the past. Paired nicely with the sides we included but could work with almost anything!

Chef Philippe Michel's Rating: Definitely my favorite meal of the blog so far. I highly recommend making the salmon. It's a bit involved with some non-typical ingredients but definitely worth it.

Chef's Choice Award

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